
View Member Details


Member ID : A02162
Name : Mr. Mohammad Aktar Hossain
Father's/Husband Name :
Date of Birth : 18/Oct/1982
Gender : -
Religion : -
Nationality : -
Blood Group : -


Permanent Address : The ACME Laboratories Ltd.,
Court de la ACME,
Corporate Financial Accounts Department (14th Floor),
1/4, Kallayanpur,
Mirpur Road, Dhaka- 1207
Residential Address : The ACME Laboratories Ltd.,
Court de la ACME,
Corporate Financial Accounts Department (14th Floor),
1/4, Kallayanpur,
Mirpur Road, Dhaka- 1207
Office Address :
District :


Sanad No :
Sanad Date :
Date of Enrollment : 29/Oct/2015
Lifetime Member : No
Status : Active